API Community Belgium – Online Lunch Meetup 7
The API Community Belgium will bring together a diverse group of professionals to discuss API Management related topics. The 7th online meetup will be hosted by Archers, where you will discover how to find the right API design approach that works for your organization

Organizations strive to create qualitative and easily consumable APIs. Defining an API Design approach is one of the key steps to accomplish this. Reference Authorities tend to position their API Design approach as being the one to use. However, do we really believe that there is a “one size fits all” approach?
During this session, we provide insights into ArcelorMittal’s API Design journey by highlighting the considerations that enabled them to define an API Design approach that works for them, while providing enough flexibility to accommodate and support their growing maturity.
Register now for free at: https://www.meetup.com/nl-NL/B…

Thursday, June 15
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Free entrance

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