APIs are the building blocks of your digital transformation. They give you the perfect opportunity to set up a flexible architecture that give you the agility and innovative power you need to keep your organisation successful in the future. Both on a technical and conceptual level, important choices will have to be made that are of great importance for the success of your API management programme.
Visit the Summit, listen to thought leaders, and industry experts on their API lifecycle stories. What were their goals in deploying an API, what technologies did they choose, and how did they measure success on their API initiatives? After visiting this Summit you understand what effect APIs have in your organisation and how you set up and manage a successful API management programme.
In order to become more adaptive and to remain digitally transformable, companies realise that they have to adjust their revenue models by restructuring their architectures, and more importantly – how to deal with organisational (people / processes) aspects.
A company without APIs is almost something like an organisation without a website 15 years ago. Every company that embraces an ecosystem will have to transform into an API first strategy. Due to the increasing digital transformation and the use of cloud and SaaS solutions, this necessity only increases.
Based on the theme ‘Accelerate your Digital Transformation’, 2 angles of approach were chosen during the API Summit.

Thursday, June 15
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Free entrance

Gaston Crommelaan
9000 Gent

Avenue Du Port/Havenlaan 86C/3002,
1000 Bruxelles/Brussel
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