Large Files & APIs | Dual System Approach

Large Files & APIs | Dual System Approach

Large Files & APIs | Dual System Approach In today’s digital age, file transfers are an essential component of many businesses’ operations, especially when working with large files. When integrating file transfers with an API into your business...
Large Files & APIs | Dual System Approach

Large Files & APIs | Façade Approach

Large Files & APIs | Façade Approach In today’s digitally connected world, API functionalities and file transfers are crucial components of modern digital systems, enabling the creation of connected and data-driven digital ecosystems. By implementing the right...
API Management capabilities: theory vs reality

API Management capabilities: theory vs reality

API Management capabilities: theory vs reality Over the past couple of years, we have witnessed the uprising of API Management. Many reference authorities were stating that API Management would become very important in an enterprise IT landscape and well… they were...
Knowledge Management within Archers

Knowledge Management within Archers

Knowledge Management within Archers Today’s society is marked by a knowledge-based economy. Technological innovation and the information revolution are going at a tremendously fast pace. Everyday, new content is published and new (disruptive) technologies come into...